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How to Make Grocery Store Flowers IG Ready

red roses close up photography

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I’m cheap, so any way that I can save money, I’m going to save money. I looooove having fresh flowers in my kitchen, but I don’t love the prices that florists and stores charge to have a decent bouquet. So, one day I bought some flowers from Walmart and was disappointed when I placed them in a vase. I then started trying ways to make the bouquets look more like a $30+ bouquet rather than a $10 one. Let me say this. I created this method after many, many failed attempts to make my flowers look pretty. Your first attempt may not look the way you want it to, and that’s ok. Try, try, try again. I usually use two $5 bouquets from my local Walmart. The process is very simple, so don’t be afraid. Just follow these easy steps. Grab your scissors and your vase to make your grocery store flowers IG ready.


  1. Grab your vase. Place a flower in the vase, and decide how tall you want that flower.
  2. Cut the stalk of that flower at an angle and place it in the vase.
  3. Grab the next flower and repeat, paying attention to how tall you want this flower in comparison to the last one.
  4. You repeat this while also paying attention to symmetry and making sure the bouquet is balanced.
  5. At some point the bottom of the vase may become crowded. This is when you begin trimming the greenery (leaves and thorns) to make the inside of the vase less heavy. Trim until you’re satisfied.
  6. Shift the flowers around until the bouquet is to your liking, and that’s it. Enjoy your cheap, luxurious-looking bouquet!

For those people who are visual learners, here is the YouTube video I created showing my technique.

As always, talk to you later ladybugs!

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